Creativity, meet data.

As a creative, I’m a big fan of blue-sky thinking. As a marketing professional, I’m dedicated to backing up those blue skies with analytics, buyer personas, business goals, and more.

Excuse my dust! This page is under construction, but feel free to check out the content that’s already been built out.

Case Study: Critical Role

There are few things that make me happier than nerd culture.

Regale me with your dream to renovate your apartment into a hobbit hole, I’ll find a tape measure so we can carve out a circular front door. Tell me about the time you taught yourself to sew just so you could make an Alien (1979) costume, I’ll bring the bobbins. I love nerd culture. I love anything that encourages its audience to say, “yes, and”, to go beyond consuming and into creating. 

That’s why I love Critical Role so much. Critical Role is a Dungeons & Dragons video series hosted and played by professional voice actors, but since its genesis in 2015, it’s since spiraled out into a multi-platform entertainment sensation. It’s great. 

But I wish Critical Role’s brand was as amazing as their show is.

Check out my work-in-progress case study here.